Kennebunk Outdoors Surf and Snow held a surf contest for kids ages 7-14 Sunday at Gooch's Beach. Ron Aromando, who owns the shop and is also the coach for the Kennebunk youth wresting program, is trying to raise money to purchase wrestling mats for the program. "Most teams are provided with mats through the school system....Kennebunk is one of the only that don't support a k-6 team...So the parks and recs run our program and we borrow the high school's mats on Sundays (when they are not using them) to practice. We are doing this contest to raise money to get these kids some mats. None of the money will go to pay for t-shirts or trophys (I will be paying for that)....100% of the money will go towards mats".

Unknown contestant free-surfs before the contest begins.

Two contestants head out. Waves were about 2' with 3' sets and glassy.

Matty, a surfer for team Aquaholics, pauses to collect himself after a particularly bad wipeout which took him out of the competition.

Emily, another surfer representing Aquaholics surf shop, studies the waves before her heat. Emily went on to win first place in her age group, against an all male line-up!!!